Completion requirements
Last modified: Monday, 4 September 2023, 2:26 PM

Genetic inheritance
When you have completed this micromodule, you will be able to recognize the basic concepts related to genetic inheritance.
Previous knowledge:
Not required - Duration:
30 min
Mendelian Theory
Upon completing this training, you will be able to describe the experiments conducted by Gregor Mendel and the laws he discovered.
Previous knowledge:
Emasculation and Cross Pollination Techniques - Duration:
25 min
Monohybrid Cross
When you have completed this micromodule, you will have the ability to identify the theoretical foundations of Monohybrid Crossing.
Previous knowledge:
Mendelian Theory - Duration:
30 min
Test Crossing
This micromodule aims to identify the utility of the test crossing and describe the steps of the procedure.
Previous knowledge:
Monohybrid Cross - Duration:
20 min
Monohybrid Cross: Prediction of Results
Upon completing this micromodule, you will be able to predict outcomes of monohybrid crosses based on Mendel's laws.
Previous knowledge:
Monohybrid Cross - Duration: 25 min
Emasculation and Cross Pollination Techniques
At the end of the micromodule, you will be able to: explain the different types of pollination, identify the various pollinating agents, describe the steps and objectives of emasculation and describe the steps of manual pollination.
Previous knowledge:
Genetic Inheritance - Duration:
25 min
Soils 1: Introduction to Soil Classification
Upon completion of this micromodule you will be able to describe what a soil order is and identify which are the natural processes of the horizons that englobe them. Previous knowledge: Not required - Duration:
25 min
Soils 2: Soil Classification
In this learning material we will present to you the different kind of soils according to the USDA.
Previous knowledge:
Soils 1: Introduction to Soil Classification - Duration: 25 min
Soils 3: The 12 Orders of Soil Taxonomy
At the end of this lesson you will be able to identify the main characteristics of each soil order. Previous knowledge:
Soils 2: Soil Classification - Duration: 25 min
Nitrogen: Balance is Key to a Healthy Crop
At the end of this training, you will be able to identify which forms of nitrogen can be used by plants and describe how nitrogen can be used in building molecules in plants.
Previous knowledge: Not required
- Duration: 20 min
Introduction to the Pineapple Cultivation
At the end of this learning material you will know the origin of the pineapple, its composition and the main varieties. Previous knowledge: Not required - Duration: 35 min
Hydric Demand
Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to understand the purpose of water on the natural process of the crops, formulas to calculate hydric demand and evotranspiration related methods.
Previous knowledge: Not required - Duration: 35 min